


Ph.D., University of Toronto, 1979

M.A.圣路易斯市大学. Michael's College, 1974

B.A., University of Winnipeg, 1971


  • College of Arts and Sciences
  • 宗教研究


  • 宗教


丹尼斯·R. 詹兹获得了博士学位.D. 从圣. Michael’s College in the University of Toronto in 1979. After coming to Loyola in that year, he served terms as Department Chair and Director of 研究生 Studies. He was awarded a Provost Distinguished Professorship in 2000 and was promoted to 荣誉退休教授 in 2017.

他是《 Luther and Late Medieval Thomism (1983), Luther on Thomas Aquinas (1989)和 World Christianity and Marxism (1998). 他编辑 Three Reformation Catechisms (1982)和 改革派读者 (1999和2008). He served as General Editor of Fortress Press’s prize-winning seven-volume People’s 历史 of Christianity (2005-2008), and Series Editor of Fortress Press’s five-volume Historical Trajectories 项目(2016 - 2019).

Janz’s research and lecturing have taken him to some twenty countries around the world. 除了, he has held residential fellowships at the University of Louvain (1997); the Rockefeller Center in Bellagio (2001); The Tantur Institute for Ecumenical Studies in Jerusalem (2011); the Johannes a Lasco Bibliothek in Emden (2015); and the Fondatione per le Scienze Religiose Giovanni XXIII in Bologna (2016).


Martin Luther’s ‘The Church Held Captive in Babylon’: Latin-English Edition, With a New Translation and Introduction. (Oxford University Press, 2019).

“To Hell (and Back) With Luther.在K中. 斯特耶娜和B. 施拉姆,eds., Encounters with Luther: New Directions for Critical Studies. (Westminster John Knox Press, 2011), 17-29.

“妓女也好,使女也罢? Luther and Aquinas on the Function of Reason in Theology,” in The Devil’s Whore: Reason and Philosophy in the Lutheran Tradition, ed. 詹妮弗·H. Dragseth, (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2011), pp. 47-52.

“To Hell (and Back) With Luther: The Dialectic of Anfechtung and Faith,” in Seminary Ridge Review, 13 (2011), 41-55.

“Eine neue Agenda für Kirchengeschichte,” in 宗教 als Lebensmacht: Eine Festgabe für Gottfriend Küenzlen, eds. Jochen Bohn and Thomas Bohrmann, (Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2010), pp. 21-34.

"The Westminster Handbook to Martin Luther." (Westminster John Knox Press, 2010).